As an added value service for our clients, we’ve integrated the CASES Module into MY ACCOUNT. Our powerful platform essentially becomes your dashboard to create and manage all of your enforcement activities.
Once you have identified a potential infringement for which you need to take action, simply create a CASE directly from the notice. A CASE is automatically created and you can send custom drafted correspondence directly from your CheckMark Account to any third party and more.
The system keeps track of your work and automatically creates a history of all activities related to a particular action or case. You can:
- CREATE templates and E-MAIL or PRINT correspondence;
- ASSIGN the notice or a task to others;
- Create and apply a STATUS to the notice;
- Create a NEXT ACTION DATE for follow up and synch it with your calendar;
- Track all action taken on a particular notice using the HISTORY feature;
- Access the CASES section for quick view of your active cases;
Call us today for a demo.